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We have designed North Pole Cornerstones to focus on three perspectives of being a Claus: History, Performance, and Business. Our sessions have also been designed to be interactive, with the focus on conversation and giving you time and opportunity to put your new learnings into practice. 

Meals included in the session are:

  • Friday lunch
  • Friday dinner
  • Saturday lunch
  • Sunday lunch
  • Sunday graduation banquet

Our Working Schedule follows – times are subject to change.

January 31

9:00 am – 11:00 am

Registration Opens

  • Registration Opens
  • Exhibitor Room Opens
  • Casual Jingle and Mingle

January 31

10:00 am —
12:15 pm

Welcome and History Sessions

  • Welcome and Opening
  • History of the Clauses

January 31

12:15 pm –
1:00 pm


January 31

1:00 pm –
5:00 pm

History and Performance Sessions

  • Charity Presentation
  • Your Story – Then and Now
  • Story Telling and Story Reading
  • Exhibitor Introductions
  • Day 1 Wrap-up

January 31

6:00 pm –
9:00 pm

Dinner and Evening Activity

  • Buffet Dinner
  • Team Activity – Props!

Feb 1

8:30 am –
12:45 pm

Performance Sessions

  • Day 1 Recap
  • Improvisation
  • Mechanics of Sitting in the Chair
  • Welcome to our Home/Helping the Reluctant Child become an Engaging Child
  • Tell Me…Show Me

February 1

12:45 pm –
1:30 pm


Feb 1

12:45 pm –
4:00 pm

Performance Sessions

  • Practice…Practice…Practice
  • Show and Tell Demos
  • Here’s Your Sign – ASL Sing-a-long
  • Day 2 Wrap-up

Feb 1

4:30 pm –
10:00 pm

Evening Activity

  • Bus Ride to the River Walk
  • Christmas Carols on the River
  • Dinner on your Own on the River Walk

Feb 2

8:00 am

Sunday Fellowship Service (optional)

  • Devotion/Invocation

Feb 2

8:30 am –
12:15 pm

Business Sessions

  • Day 2 Recap
  • The Price is Right…How Much to Charge, Contracts, and Taxes
  • Insurance: Why do I Need it?
  • Wardrobe Care: More than Dry Cleaning
  • Clauses and the Melting Pot: Diversity and Generation Gaps

February 1

12:15 pm –
1:15 pm


Feb 2

1:15 pm –
4:30 pm

Business Sessions

  • Protecting Intellectual Property and Copyrights
  • Exit, Stage Left: Planning for Retirement and the Unexpected
  • Ethics in the Christmas Community
  • Round Table/Ask the Instructors
  • Day 3 Wrap-up and Close

Feb 2

4:30 pm –
5:30 pm

Graduation and Closing

  • Reciting the Oaths
  • Graduation Ceremony and Photos

Feb 2

6:00 pm –

Graduation Banquet

  • Graduation Plated Dinner